On the morning of November 16, 2017, a farmer while working in his field in Marshall County, 10 miles north of Langford, United States, identified a potential petroleum oil leak. As described by eye-witnesses, it had turned into a hazardous oil spill. In a couple of hours a truck full of workers were already on the scene for the restoration of oil supply.
The very next day, Paula Jensen, an owner of a small restaurant in the town of Langford received a message from an unknown person on her restaurant’s Facebook page. The person requested for a catered meal for about 100 people, at an offsite location. Upon noting down the order and the contact details of the person, they turned out to be the logistics director of TransCanada, the company dealing with the restoration works at the oil spill.
When Paula along with her other colleagues drove into the corn fields with 7 roasters of hot food, she asked the logistics director about how he found out about her restaurant. Langford being a small town, and about 10 miles away from the oil leak location, it was highly unlikely that they would receive such a big order in the slow months of winter.
The director’s answer surprised Paula. He said he found them via Google, and navigated his way to the restaurant’s Facebook page.
This made Paula think about the benefits of putting her business on Google Maps. Her wise decision of listing her business on the internet landed her this offer. Several other businesses in the vicinity of Langford could have put their listings on Google, however they never claimed their space.
The uses of Google maps are not just limited to providing navigation and suggesting the shortest route possible from A to B. It has taken a giant leap and has transformed into a whole new business sphere for location specific businesses.
It makes a lot of sense for people to have their business listed on Google; and with additional monthly insights and statistics about how their business is performing as compared to others, it offers the right inspiration to work harder to enhance the overall customer experience and of course the customer reviews.