Prepare for the upcoming exam season.

Most students dread exam season as there are various modules to revise within a short period, thus creating a stressful environment. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in universities being pressured to encourage their students to study online from their home or accommodation. Therefore, listed below are useful study tips you can consider when working from home.

Understand your learning style (Rumes, 2020)

Every student learns differently; therefore, it is essential to understand your learning style and work best. Listed below are three different learning types to consider before approaching your revision:

Visual learning: Visual learners absorb information from images, videos or even diagrams. They take in and understand data from observing what is being done and applying it to work.

Auditory Learning: Students with this learning type consume information better from listening to audios, music/rhymes. They may create catchy acronyms or songs to help remember important material.

Reading/Writing: Students with this learning type absorb information from reading textbooks and write down important information continuously.

It is essential to understand how you retain information the fastest in the most effective way possible, as you can use it to your advantage when studying.

Create a structured routine 

Students should consider creating a structured routine for revision. First, think about what time of day your attention span is active as you can work around this to build a practical timetable – be sure to include regular breaks.  Additionally, have an independent daily to-do list and tick off completed tasks for the day. This is a great way to practice your organisation skills. 

Test yourself

Don’t forget to test yourself. This step seems obvious, but students do not often test themselves in timed conditions. It is vital to work in timed conditions to get used to the feeling of being in the examination room. Likewise, students will learn to use their time effectively and avoid an incomplete test paper. Furthermore, you can always test friends by asking questions via flashcards as this would help not only them but also yourself.

Find out what distracts you 

Finally, it is important to find out what distracts you so you can avoid it. When you have completed your tasks, have a break, use your phone but remember to do this in moderation as revision is a priority. 

Keep revising, and you will soon understand what works for you. Remember to always ask for help and additional information when needed. Remember, university lecturers are here to help and educate you on your required subject – so don’t be a stranger.


Good Luck Revising!  

Rumes, Jon, 2020. 26 Tips to Study Better that Work [Updated]