Artificial intelligence has introduced a number of sublime transitions in almost every sector, and the education industry is fortunate enough to receive them in abundance.

Artificial intelligence has become a significant part of our daily lives. From motion light sensors, auto parking cars and navigation systems to automatic door opening sensors, artificial intelligence has burst into our lives and has pivoted it’s a way to become a center point of our daily being.

On the same note, AI in education is being recognised fast and as a result, conventional methods are undergoing drastic facelifts.

Education was never this accessible as it is now. AI has not only changed the way education is imparted, however it has changed the perception of people about how they want to be educated. Immense personalisation, instant delivery, and available on every smart device such as phones and tablets globally, AI has certainly brought about a revolution.

The transformations are not just restricted to delivery of education, it has transcended beyond the unimaginable. Now is the time to discuss the positive effects of this technological marvel.

Smart Content

AI and education go hand in hand. Student academic success can be achieved if AI is used more vigorously. The development of smart content by robots of similar quality as what professors of high ranks create is something worth noting.

One brilliant example of smart content is “CRAM101”

The software uses artificial intelligence to simplify textbook contents and make them more engaging and comprehensible according to the likes of students. Summaries, blurbs, flashbacks, practice texts, it creates everything to make learning more seamless and more understandable.

This is just a simple example of what AI is capable of, there are many other useful features of AI. Netex is a learning platform that aids professors to create electronic curriculums and share it instantly across a myriad of devices globally. Fascinating isn’t it?

Personalised Recommendations

While surfing Netflix, you must have come across the “recommended” list of shows and movies, based on your viewing history. The same technique is now being used in the education sector. Whatever the student studies online, he receives personalised recommendations of topics and subjects that might accentuate their study pattern and might provide information that will help them enhance their knowledge of the topic being studied.

This ensures that students receive the best possible education even in the absence of a teacher.