Leadership has a number of dynamic aspects, and wielding power is amongst the most significant ones. It is a commonplace these days in high profile organisations, where a leader can be observed embezzling their trusted power. The motivation can come from various sources.

The perceived notion of superiority, freedom from questioning and the inverted pyramid of the hierarchy are some of the many potential reasons which lead to the tenebrous path of power abuse. The path is not always overcast with the clouds of possible abuse, there are leaders who judiciously exercise their supremacy towards achieving worthy goals.

In a nutshell, leaders must know that their actions have a considerable amount of effects on the organisation. Failing to regard the terms of their power might push the organisation and the staff to bearing all the brunt.

Appropriate use of power not only translates into greater motivation for staff, but it also inspires trustworthiness at work and freshly ignited a sense of loyalty towards the organisation, pushing employees towards optimising their potential and exceed expectations. In contrast, power abuse sets in motion a negative domino effect.

Beginning with lost employee morale, grievances, lost productivity to a loss in revenue and falling short of targets. There is a third dynamic of leaders as well who do not exercise their power. This kind of leader creates confusion and accentuates a sense of helplessness amongst the staff as they are left with no other option to make decisions on their own, which may, or may not fall in line with company policies.

According to a research conducted by the researchers at the Wichita State University and Herman Aguinis, the power exercised by the leader has the ability to influence, positively or negatively, the staff, ultimately devouring their efficacy and conveying considerable losses to the organisation.

Power is entrusted to a leader in an organisation for a number of reasons. Everything is taken into account before they are vested with authority, for instance, their expertise, experience, business acumen, and wisdom. Unrestricted power conveyance to the leader, not only results in corrupted stance, but however also maligns individuals who work closely with them.

Organisations should draw a line and should know what and what not to entrust the leader with.