Be part of our International Community

London School of Business enjoys a history of collaborative work in partnerships to achieve their mission and meet the needs of the communities it serves. We are proud of the relationships we have developed with many public and private institutions worldwide.

Partnerships allow information and knowledge to be shared between countries and enhance internationalisation. London can address global difficulties, and you can discover solutions in London for issues abroad and vice versa.

Our student community would benefit from high-quality education, internationally recognised qualifications and global mobility experience.

We are passionate about developing relationships within the UK and worldwide, so we always welcome discussions with potential partners.


If you are interested in having a partnership with LSB, do not hesitate to send your partnership proposal to us via email. After reviewing it, we will provide a prospective partnership form that needs to be completed to determine the synergies between our institutions.

We will then contact you to discuss the opportunities in-depth and explain the approval process as the next steps. Please note that it can take between 3 to 9 months to complete the entire process if you are interested in having a validation or a franchise agreement.

We are proud of the relationships we have developed with many public and private institutions worldwide.

What types of partnerships are available?

We provide learning opportunities in partnership with educational institutions. This type of learning could lead to earning credits towards a degree or other qualification. Partners can be involved in different ways, not just providing academic teaching.

We are proud of the relationships we have with our academic partners. We have partnerships with many public and private educational institutions worldwide.

There are lots of ways we might collaborate with institutions to enhance student’s learning, including:

LSB may licence other entities to offer complete programmes or stages of programmes designed by LSB, leading to the award or award of credit by LSB.

The school maintains full responsibility for implementing the programme(s) remotely. The duties of the partner institution confine to the provision of lodging and, possibly, some training supplies.

The School recognises the success of the programme(s) that the student has completed at the Partner Institution, either at the beginning or at a more advanced stage of the LSB programme(s). Applications are normally received/considered on an individual basis.

A collaboration agreement between the School and the Partner Institution allows its students/staff to study/work abroad.

The School appoints representatives in many countries throughout the world to act as non-exclusive agents, referring students to the University from specified geographical areas, subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement

A study programme in which a student does not usually attend the LSB campus or the partner institution. Attendance may be required for residential sessions, research support or evaluation purposes. Collaborative programmes delivered through distance learning may be subject to a franchise, validation, joint or dual model. The collaboration partner can manage the distribution, support and evaluation elements at the validation time.

Students from our School can spend a period of time undertaking a work placement as part of their course in the UK or internationally, managed by the Employability and Careers Centre.

Three-way partnerships between our school, a company and a graduate, designed to help companies solve strategic problems, managed by our Research and Enterprise Office.

Find out more

If you’d like to know more about our partnerships, you can contact us on +44 (0)20 3305 8124 or email us at

At London School of Business (LSB) we nurture leaders. “Building Leaders for Business” forms the essence of our existence. We are redefining how businesses operate in London and the rest of the world.

Building Leaders for Business

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  • +44 (0)20 3305 8124
