Mid-20th century witnessed a subtle shift from traditional industry to an economy primarily based on informational technology. In the beginning of the 21st century, this shift gained momentum and ushered the global workplaces to a point today that technology is now one of the key drivers of their business.

It is safe to assume that at present, global businesses are operating in an age of information, with little/no clue of what the future holds.

The reason for this is the continuous technology unrest, which has caused workplaces to work more volatilely, more uncertainly due to unknown outcomes, more ambiguously because there is a lack of clarity and in a more complex environment due to interconnected parts.

Therefore, agility is something which is the need of the hour for every organisation. It is the sole way to differentiate and regard the aim of competitive advantage at present.  Mentioned below are some ways through which organisations can master organisational readiness.

Solving for purpose and not just for profit

Today, businesses are struggling with the issue of frequent employee abdications, resulting in them finding it difficult to maintain a balanced employee retention rate. The reason for this circle’s back to the lack of clear purpose of employment.

To keep people on board when strategic shifts are needed, organisations should understand that they need to furnish their employees with a clear purpose. Gone are the days of operating solely for profit. People require a greater purpose that is clearly not market driven.

In a nutshell, the output of the workforce can be increased if an organisation is able to connect them to a purpose other than their monthly salary. Humans have evolved to a point where they find inner content by able to identify whether their efforts are making a quantifiable impact or not. They no longer just rely on compensation to justify their hours of hard work.

The strategy and aims of the organisation needs to make sense to them, to aid them in maintaining the stamina and the focus to bail out the firm when its boat is rocked by technological changes.

Don’t Work, Design Work

Organisational charts and traditional inverted pyramid structures are proving to be unsuccessful with each passing day. The top-down control structure of the organisation is undermining the flexibility of an employee needed for the business to truly flourish.

‘Amoeba organisations’ is a term doing rounds these days. Deployment of agile teams to leverage the assets for problem solving and innovation is a need of the hour, as making them work in a one dimensional simply translates into letting their expertise go unleveraged.