Our Policies
Health and Safety Policy
The wellbeing of our family (our current/past staff and students) is one of our utmost priorities. We recognise the need for taking rest, so we always aim to have frequent recreational activities for our students and staff. We always help if you need to talk to anyone, and we still consider the health and safety of our family. We believe this an essential aspect at London School of Business.
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy
LSB is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all staff, students and visitors who access its services, grounds and facilities. LSB believes that people, regardless of age, gender, disability, ethnic origin, religious belief, marriage/civil partnership and sexual orientation, have the right to protect themselves from abuse. We acknowledge in particular its responsibility to safeguard children under 18 and adults who may be at risk at any time when they are engaging in our activities, whether they are on or off-premises. We achieve this by ensuring that there are appropriate arrangements to enable LSB to discharge its duty to provide a safe and secure environment, prevent abuse, and respond appropriately to suspected or reported abuse of under-18s or adults at risk.
LSB Assessment Policy
Excellent assessment leads to great results. It helps students perform to the best of their abilities through assessment that’s inclusive and supports their learning and future employment. It encourages, motivates and involves students in extensive education and provides a fair and reliable measure of students’ performance, knowledge and skills against the learning outcomes.
At London School of Business (LSB) we nurture leaders. “Building Leaders for Business” forms the essence of our existence. We are redefining how businesses operate in London and the rest of the world.
Building Leaders for Business