Over half of the world’s populations now use the internet and over a third use social media. With the increasing influence of globalisation, we can see why it is becoming increasingly important to be on and advertise on as many forms of online platforms as possible. This business environment will continue to change, and equipping with the necessary skills gives more opportunities than ever.

These are some of the essential tools that will help to pursue a career or polish your skills to boost your career.


  • Pay-per-click

Pay-per-click marketing is a way of using search engine advertising to generate clicks to your website, rather than “earning” those clicks organically.

  • Content marketing

 Content marketing is the general term used to describe any textual, graphic, video, or interactive element on a website that is used to sell a product or service. You can build trust and engage your audience through creating relevant and valuable content.

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Whenever you enter a query in a search engine and hit ‘enter’ you get a list of web results that contain that query term. Users will generally visit websites that are at the top of the list and appear first. With SEO, you optimise your ranking of the website on search engines and get more traffic from an improved position.

  • Social media marketing

Social media is an incredibly useful and fast way to increase your: brand awareness; inbound traffic; and have an improved search engine rank. However, carefully this must be planned if you wish to achieve the high level of engagement you are searching.

  • Google Analytics 

Google Analytics is probably the most effective tool you can use for website traffic progression. It is about how to use the raw data gained from the analytics and see how people are using your website and what they are attracting their attention.

  • Email Marketing

Email marketing can be one of the most effective ways to contact relevant potential clients or customers. Email marketing campaign can help you get through spam filters and give a human and personal touch to your messages.

  • Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate Marketing is an online marketing advertising channel that puts merchants in charge of an online marketing sales force.

The course Digital Marketing in Practice at the London School of Business will help you to gain knowledge and expertise in this powerful field. Click here for more information.