Deciding to study further in a university is undoubtedly a big step, and it becomes a tad daunting prospect, if you have not been in contact with education for a few years. For mature students in particular, the apprehensions mainly revolve around whether they’ll be a misfit amongst the “technically” more advanced younger fellows, or whether they will be able to sustain in a deadline driven environment. Not just mature students, the ones who are not able to secure good grades in their high school, whether local or international, tread on the same path.

Unfortunately, owing to dearth of proper information, and support, many brilliant minds dropout and ruminate about how university will never be an option for them. However, they had a pragmatic solution to their problems all this time – The International Foundation Programme/Level 3.

The development of international foundation programme/level 3 has opened up new avenues for many aspiring students to enrol for the university and get closer to success. Whether you are an international student, or a high school dropout, or even a working professional unsure of higher studies, foundation courses are the way forward.

We will equip you with further information regarding the foundation/ Level 3 courses-

What is a foundation year?

Foundation course is designed as such that it offers a supporting environment, fostering easy learning, and providing much needed motivation for students who yearn to study in the UK, however lack the required skills to get admitted to a university, or the ones who are nervous to embark on a university degree here in the United Kingdom.

If a student wants to pursue higher education in a UK university, he/she is required to meet certain requisites. For international students, who hail from a non-English speaking country, proving their English proficiency is a mandate. Then the academic years follow. If a student is unable to fulfil the desired academic requisites, then they need to study a foundation course in a university before studying an undergraduate course.

A foundation course/level 3 is an alternative route into university education, ceasing you back into education environment seamlessly.

How to secure a place?

Unlike other degrees, foundation programmes do not have set entry requirements. However yes, for international there are minimum IELTS requirement. In addition, you should be able to document your proven previous study record.

Formal qualifications are not always, in fact you can substitute your relevant industry experience. However, it is subjected to thorough checks.

London School of Business offers an International Foundation Programme, to help you get started with your higher studies.